Friday, November 13, 2009


When someone gives you the scope to commit a mistake by saying.. “LEARN FROM IT”… that’s the greatest thing right! You can afford to make a mistake saying that you are on the metaphorical learning curve. In relationships though, its not a good idea to learn from your mistakes.

You see yourself becoming an absolute arse in a relation.. you get messed up at the drop of a hat, & become inexplicably somber, sad & unhappy when he says he cant call you tonight coz he has work…, eventually when you break up (for different reasons obviously), you tell yourself.. ok Gulabo, you wont let anyone do that to you again. Henceforth you will be a stronger person. You will be the one saying you are busy tonight, make him feisty waiting for that in-between-work SMS, or a 30 sec call saying he was sorry for forgetting to wish you luck for the exam, or listen to you about how much hate XYZ for being a manipulative bitch… “what did she do to you now… aww.. its ok.. she is just jealous”.. stuff that you got used to soo bad. You promise yourself not to be a slave of habit… or to let him take advantage of your dependency on him.

Then you promise yourself not be bothered & write elaborate blogs about your side of the story, coz you cant say it (not expressive enough,.. that’s gulabo for you). You also promise yourself not to expect too much from the relationship, coz mentally you are telling yourself that he will go away like everyone else. You resolve to never tell him to do anything, or to nag, or to make decisions for him… coz he hated that & you don’t what the next one to do the same to you. You make this elaborate list of to-do’s, and right & not-politically correct list…

Despite all the efforts, all the resolutions and all the “learnt from mistakes thingies… you end up hurting… more intensely each time. Wonder whether its me or the way I am when in relationships… SUCKS.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

been a while now...

Writing a blog is the last thing a person should be doing when someones entangled in the nuances of PhD applications, but a strange thought crossed my mind very recently... Im making another "new beginning"... in a perfect world that, should be exciting right? with all this brouhaha and cliched expressions such as "starting life all over again" or "beginning of a new phase".. blah & blah...

I just wonder.. how many "new beginnings" have I had this far? There were so many instances where I discovered I had a chance to start afresh... when I relocated to the U.S., when I broke up with blue blossom, when I gave up my on my old roomies & shifted to a new place. Strangely, a trend with these new beginnings are that they are preceded in chronology with sad endings & parting sorrow.... and somehow these things worked in my favor (till now.. touchwood...!).

The anxiety & uncertainty associated with the noveau vie has been something constant. I give waaay too much weightage to this phenomenon. I mean.. come to terms with it gal.. it is periodic... It keeps coming once every.. umm.. time span, so why elevate it to a pedestal and praise and worship thy occurance. Its no big deal right.. just like it came & saw & left! just like the endings.
so well take home message (and in case you are reading it at home.. the keep home message) is.. EMBRACE THE NEW BEGINNINGS.. THEY ARE NOT SO DREADFUL, AND THEY KEEP COMING! .. once every time span!

Friday, May 1, 2009

of forgetting & forgiving...

What does it really mean to let go... Does it mean forgetting their memories or forgiving the hurt they caused?
I was watching "socha na tha" yesterday... with my new friends. Actually... lets call them my friends, because that's who they are. period. There is a shift in perspective when you do the same things with different people. You get newer experiences, feelings,, jokes, round of laughter (in case it is applicable!).
Life has been a weird roller coaster in the past couple of months. It started with a "breakup"... full of anguish, pain & suffering, then moved to a terrible time at work... again stressful & pathetic.. & then came to the entry of new people in my life. I dont really want to use the term "new" here again. I feel like I knew these people from a long long time. I feel like I belong. I couldn't lie to my folks about things before, I felt its not worth it.. but now I do. I wanna go to new places, and tell my folks Im asleep. I get the urge to meet friends once in every 3 hours, call them, listen to them, ask them how their day went, laugh have fun, freak out all that! It is the excitement of beginning something. A fresh start, like a blank document, that's beckoning!

Its really strange how good things can nullify pain & suffering. I guess that answeres the question I had... happiness makes you forget the hurt and forgive the memories.

Monday, April 27, 2009


they say that Love hurts, but friendship heals...
Despite having the fear of jinxing myself.. I can say that I found one!
It completely changes your world for the better... No matter what or how the situation is. Maybe not by talking about it.. like I harped in my last post... but by talking about other things.
When I left India, I had a plethora of close "bff's"; my life, my laughter, my worries, my entire being was centered around them. It was indeed strange to leave them & think about making a new set now... I had promised myself.. well they are all I have, & I will not insult their memory by getting a new lot! I guess friendship is like love.. you dont go out to look for it.. it finds you.
I pray to god every night... I pray so that he dosn't take this away from me... I hope against hope at times that they will be like this... I really pray!
I do consider this cynicism somewhat uncalled for... it is in my hands, whether I can maintain something or mess it up completely, but then again.. thats what happened in my past relation as well right? not that I had any control over the way things were!!
But then again.. looking back.. whatever happens, happens for the best. I lost someone, but I found friends... it is a fair deal! I just pray that I dont lose these... I cant survive another round of suffering!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sometimes,I need something real bad... something thats more important than deserts and chocolates.
Okay.. face it. I love cribbing. Since I have been here I never go a chance to do that!!
Here everyone "leaves you by yourself" and lets you be. They give you SPACE! I dont want space.. I wanna talk. The reason why I was with my ex was because he was a good listener & its pretty much the reason why i will be with the next one as well! :)
Why doesn't anyone pay attention in this country. I listen to your problems & tell you mine. Its a fair deal. I will not judge, or will not even advice if you dont want me to... I expect the same too. Why is it that no one wants to talk. Okay.. lets not talk about problems. lets just discuss the weather... like how it is now, good or bad... how can it get worse, or better, as the case may be.. stuff like that!
I wonder when I will find a friend, good enough to tell stuff to & interesting enoough to listen about things as well... Hope against hope & waiting!