Sunday, May 10, 2009

been a while now...

Writing a blog is the last thing a person should be doing when someones entangled in the nuances of PhD applications, but a strange thought crossed my mind very recently... Im making another "new beginning"... in a perfect world that, should be exciting right? with all this brouhaha and cliched expressions such as "starting life all over again" or "beginning of a new phase".. blah & blah...

I just wonder.. how many "new beginnings" have I had this far? There were so many instances where I discovered I had a chance to start afresh... when I relocated to the U.S., when I broke up with blue blossom, when I gave up my on my old roomies & shifted to a new place. Strangely, a trend with these new beginnings are that they are preceded in chronology with sad endings & parting sorrow.... and somehow these things worked in my favor (till now.. touchwood...!).

The anxiety & uncertainty associated with the noveau vie has been something constant. I give waaay too much weightage to this phenomenon. I mean.. come to terms with it gal.. it is periodic... It keeps coming once every.. umm.. time span, so why elevate it to a pedestal and praise and worship thy occurance. Its no big deal right.. just like it came & saw & left! just like the endings.
so well take home message (and in case you are reading it at home.. the keep home message) is.. EMBRACE THE NEW BEGINNINGS.. THEY ARE NOT SO DREADFUL, AND THEY KEEP COMING! .. once every time span!

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