Friday, May 1, 2009

of forgetting & forgiving...

What does it really mean to let go... Does it mean forgetting their memories or forgiving the hurt they caused?
I was watching "socha na tha" yesterday... with my new friends. Actually... lets call them my friends, because that's who they are. period. There is a shift in perspective when you do the same things with different people. You get newer experiences, feelings,, jokes, round of laughter (in case it is applicable!).
Life has been a weird roller coaster in the past couple of months. It started with a "breakup"... full of anguish, pain & suffering, then moved to a terrible time at work... again stressful & pathetic.. & then came to the entry of new people in my life. I dont really want to use the term "new" here again. I feel like I knew these people from a long long time. I feel like I belong. I couldn't lie to my folks about things before, I felt its not worth it.. but now I do. I wanna go to new places, and tell my folks Im asleep. I get the urge to meet friends once in every 3 hours, call them, listen to them, ask them how their day went, laugh have fun, freak out all that! It is the excitement of beginning something. A fresh start, like a blank document, that's beckoning!

Its really strange how good things can nullify pain & suffering. I guess that answeres the question I had... happiness makes you forget the hurt and forgive the memories.

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