Sunday, November 30, 2008

Deep breaths!

Sometimes, we feel such a huge void in life. Not really a void, something like a black hole that sucks all the happiness, and leaves you all messed up & "dark". The best part about these, is that, you cannot really explain why this is happening. Technically all is well.. right?
There is nothing that cheers you up, no songs, no accolades, no chocolate (if you pronounce this in the weirdest way, it will rhyme, but Im not feeling very poetic!). so well, today (rather, now), is one of those days. You cant explain it, you cant tell why its happening, (no buddy, it is not got to do with "that time of the month".. geez,, the way ppl think!), the only thing you think of is how to get past it...
hmm... okie.. DEEP BREATHS.

Breath 1:
Reminds me of the things that are WRONG...
Grrr... How could I be living like this. All bottled up & nebulous... No this must stop...
Breathe out

Breath 2:
Why.. why is this happening to me... why did I have to suffer a break up with the "nosiest" guy in the world.. & still feel bad about it... why...
Breathe out

Breath 3:
aww... I miss Ma so much..
As a mater of fact I miss all who loved me & were fun..
Breathe out

Breath 4:
Need to curb my spending habits... The Pink pyjamas with bunny faces & silky smooth feel were unnecessary... No.. cant let the weak moment of "impulse spending" hit me again...

Breath 5:
Breathe out

Breath 6:
Breathe out

Breath 7:
draw a blank..I have nothing to think about... gasp! what am I gonna do!!
Breathe out

Breath 8:
hmmm... looks done.. Im hungry! let me go get some coffee from GJ.
(faster deeper breaths)

Hmm.. teh breath list works fairly well... lets just put
"worries" under b numbered list, you know its not overwhelming. Its kinda' like Hugh Prathers "notes to myself".. only its like Talk to myself! . Anywhos, feeling a new lease of energy.. chal gulabo.. aaj teri basanti ki izzat ka sawal hai. Kaam pe lag!

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