Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Looking back at it,my blog URL is something so indi..!
Thats primarily because the crap i have in mind, may just be understood to a select few! Im not implying that only the "desis" will follow the incoherence, its just that tehy might be able to relate to it! so I start with a cliche! hmm.. how encouraging! So well.. "hai meri kismat" should give you a good intro to what Gulabo is all about.. The inetrpretation of the sentence can vary, based on what you feel and when.You can say "hai meri kismat" in jubilation (which is rare, but then..), or you can say it in utter disgust. So when you blame things on luck.. you get a boost, at least you can blame someone else for something you did! 
so anywhos.. sitting on my office desk now.. have tons to do, but procrastination gets the better of me. Have assinments, lab reports (& everything else in between) to do. Time is a constant and the variables are my mood swings and output level (no, im not a math major, you dont have to be a math mar to be bad at maths). the variables are further dependent on other variables. Mood swings, for instance is influenced by how people are around me. The people who irk me have made their lives better by sabotaging mine! so whats new again!!! and since the mood swings are inversely proportional to the amount of irking people. so right now Im somewhat maxed out!!! anyway, courage is not not-being-afraid, its about facing your fears. similarly, a good, hard workning person is the one, who looks at procrastination in the eye and says... SEE YOU LATER! okie, so thats what im going to do now.. lets see how that goes!

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